Friday, May 7, 2010

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

More Trouble In Mudville

A new post on the NY Times Bronx Science blog indicates that both Rosemarie Jahoda (AP) and Valerie Reidy (principal) are far from contrite regarding the fact-finder's findings:

  • 60. May 7, 2010 6:24 am Link

    I posted early on and now want to add three things.

    1. Although there has been some backbiting that’s inappropriate, most of the commentary by the students has been thoughtful and is clearly deeply felt. This is what makes me reluctant to leave the school even as the hostile work environment makes me want to leave.

    2. And now another outrage: we have just heard that on Monday, our chapter leader, Peter Lamphere, is being brought up on disciplinary charges by AP Jahoda (and, of course, implicitly by Reidy).

    I would assume that, ultimately, down the road, any impartial arbitrator, would see that charges against this fine teacher are driven solely by personal hatred and anti-union animus. But this is Reidy’s supervisory method.

    An intelligent supervisor would have made this problem go away a year ago. At virtually any point in this process, Reidy could have sat and broken bread with the, frankly, very reasonable staff of the Math Department, and said, “however we got here, let’s go forward together, collaboratively.” But that’s just not in her psychological make-up at all. And it’s killing us as a school.

    3. Finally, it amazes me that the DOE doesn’t see that they are destroying one of the supposed “crown jewels” of their system through their support for this woman. Give us a real educator, Mr. Klein, find us a manager who knows how to manage, not rule. Right now, this ship can still be righted. But not for much longer. Teachers and students both (and call us “rats” if you must) won’t stay on this floundering ship much longer.

    — just another bxsci teacher

    Mr. Lamphere, the UFT Chapter Leader, has the additional unfortunate assignment of being a math teacher the very department ruled by Ms. Jahoda. "Give us a real educator, Mr. Klein, find us a manager who knows how to manage, not rule." How sad. But how true.

    Foyle's War, Season Six

    Just received Season Six of the BBC series Foyle's War. There are only three episodes in this series, but it was supposed to end at Season Five so I guess we should consider ourselves lucky. Only the first episode, The Russian House, appears to have been written by Anthony Horowitz, author of the Alex Rider (Stormbreaker) and Power of Five series of books. The description of Season Six states, "The war is over in Britain and Foyle, among many others, must find his way in this new world. His hopes of retirement are dashed due to a shortage of senior men and he finds himself investigating international conspiracy, betrayal and military racism." I can hardly wait!