Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!

A job, a job, my sanity for a job!

The job market for teachers is shite, as the Irish would say. I have several headhunters looking and no one has anything to offer. Actually a couple of positions right down my ally were on offer, but independent schools like Riverdale Country School practice age discrimination by specifying that positions are "entry level." By definition that excludes old farts like me even though that is illegal. The referral process is kept secretive. The headhunters want to please their clients, the schools, so they do not forward the credentials of other-than-entry-level candidates. And you never know that back-room dealing is going one. Another school wanted a science department head and chemistry teacher. I was a Natural Science and Math Department ("Gnat Sigh") head at Lees College in Kentucky, and, of course, I have taught a bit of chemistry, but I was not given an interview by the school even though we were both under the same roof at an open house. The Riverdale Country School blew me off at the same open house. Too bad. I could walk to Riverdale Country from my apartment. Their loss. Their students' loss.

Which brings up Darien, CT. Several months ago, Darien High School advertised a chemistry position and I spent hours completing the on-line applications, complete with multiple essays and credential uploads. Then the chemistry position was canceled, and a physics position popped up in its place. Gone!

Last year, a parent of one of my Stamford students took it upon himself to call the principal at Darien High School to sing my praises because he knew the principal's parents. My student spoke with him also. The principal was so moved that he emailed me to tell me about the call:

"One of your former students, XXXXXXXX (whose parents I know well), spoke with me yesterday about how much she enjoyed your chemistry class a few years back. She told me you are looking for a position as a chemistry teacher, and though we currently do not have an opening at DHS I promise to keep my eyes open if one becomes available here or at a neighboring school.

"I just wanted to share with you how warmly she spoke of you and what a powerful impact you had on her love of chemistry.

"Good luck with the job search."

Just for the record, he did not tell me about the chemistry position at Darien that I mentioned earlier, or the one in Greenwich, or any other.

So, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, I was surprised to get a call from the science department head at Darien High School who offered me a long-term sub position replacing a former Stamford colleague now at Darien who was to go on jury duty for several weeks. It was supposed to start this coming Tuesday or Wednesday.

The pay is $90 a day, the substitute rate, which is less than I get from CT Unemployment, but, I learned, that CT Unemployment would subtract 2/3 of what I make away from my weekly allowance and then send me the remainder. So I said "yes."

I spent hours filling out the 8-page substitute teacher application, including tax forms, right-to-work form, and direct deposit form with canceled check, etc. I rushed it into the mail. I made arrangements for the finger-printing, the drug test, the hepatitis-B titre, only to learn on Friday afternoon that the whole thing might end before it begins due to an out-of-court settlement. So I have to cancel the drug testing pending the outcome.

But since I had filled out the forms I should be considered for future substitute positions at Darien High School, right? No. Darien is not accepting new applications for substitute positions because existing substitutes are not getting enough work due to cutbacks in classroom teacher professional development opportunities. So, my application efforts may well have been a complete waste of time. Shite!

As they used to say, "Tune in next week..."